How to Add a new Status Board Display
How to Add a new Status Board Display
How to Add a new Status Board Display
The Status Board Display allows our users to mount a TV display which helps their employees and guests find available rooms or rooms near their current location.

In order to set up a Status Board Display, simply do the following:

Go to and login using your Meeting Room 365 Admin Portal credentials.
Click on New Display.
Select Status Board Display for the display type, give it a name and click on Create Display.
Once the Status Board Display is created it will appear under Status Board Displays.
Click on the display thumbnail to edit the display, and when you're ready to deploy, click on the View Display icon and copy the URL provided.
You can use this Display URL to set up your Status Board Display on any device with a web browser.

We currently recommend Chromecast devices or the Google Chromebit (by Asus) for the easiest setup, but you can also set your Status Board Display on any TV using a variety of Windows/Mac devices.
EWS Users
If you are setting up a status board display for EWS displays, you may not immediately see your displays. This is usually because the inferred tenant domain is incorrect, and must be updated.
EWS users often have to ensure their status board has a domain attribute (in the display configuration) which matches their Display Tenants. Since this can often vary from your email domain, this frequently has to be set manually. You can do so by setting the domain attribute for your status board display in the advanced configuration editor, to match the Tenant Domain for your displays. Reach out if you have any issues!
If you have any questions or concerns in setting up your Status Board Display, please feel free to reach out to us directly so we can assist you.
Updated on: 02/04/2024
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