Customizing your Status Board Display
Customizing your Status Board Display
Right now, you can customize the logo, title, and brand color (which all appear at the top of the display).

Additionally, you can choose between a light and dark theme (for the meeting room spaces themselves), and customize the display with custom CSS and translation files (a bit like the meeting room displays).
We also have some options around sorting (either alphabetical or pushing available rooms to the top), and what happens when there are too many rooms to display at once (by default it scrolls through the rooms every few seconds).
Most of these options are available today in the admin portal, and can be configured using a GUI. However, during development, many of these features are implemented first via a URL change. So, I will document those here as well for early users:
Shows dummy data for demonstration purposes
Lets you set the brand color via URL param. This is an RGB hex code (similar to what is used on the web). This can also be set in the admin portal.
Lets you set the URL to your logo. This can also be set in the admin portal.
This lets you set a location key, similar to a room finder key, which limits the number of rooms which will appear on your status board
This allows you to rotate the entire display either 90, -90, or 180 degrees, so that you can mount your display in any position you like, regardless of whether your display allows for rotation (many older monitors make great status board displays but do not support rotation).
This sorts all rooms by status (useful if you don't have many rooms), instead of just alphabetically by room name.
We've recently added the ability to sort by location, meeting, status, and time, or any combination. Just add them in the sortby string, i.e. sortby=locationstatusmeeting
theme=light or theme=dark
This lets you swap out light and dark themes
This allows you to disable scrolling / pagination of rooms, if you have too many to display at one time.
This allows you to disable the display of multiple future meetings, which typically rotate in each row of the display.
This allows you to disable the room description column, which may look better, depending on your display size
This allows you to disable the room statuses column, which may look better, depending on your display size
Disables the column that displays meetings. You may wish to disable this on small screens or for privacy purposes.
This allows you to adjust the truncation length for long subjects, which will help manage your column width. The default is 28 characters. You may wish to set this to a very high number to disable truncation, and handle this in your theme CSS.
This enables 24-hour (international) time formatting (without the 12-hour AM / PM markers).
An example of a URL with multiple parameters set via URL:[email protected]&sortby=status&scroll=no
(For demonstration purposes only. You will set a key instead of setting demo and domain.
Upgrading to the v3 display

There are two methods of upgrading your display to the version 3 status board theme. Behavior and configuration does not change.
Add `/v3/ to your URL (Example:
Add v3 to your configuration via the advanced configuration editor ( v3 should be set to true)
v3 Display Equipment Icons
Icons can be set from names defined in the ion icon pack, on each display, to represent equipment available in a specific room, on a status board display.
To do this, set a value under Equipment Icons in the Features tab. It should be a comma separated list of icons you wish to appear (no spaces).

Some example icon names you might find useful: wifi, tv, call, videocam, etc.
If you have any questions, please reach out and contact support!
Updated on: 15/01/2025
Thank you!