Creating a Meeting Room Display with the Cronofy Connector (G Suite)
Warning: Cronofy is deprecated, limited slots are available for legacy users already using Cronofy. This guide is maintained for historic reference.
Google now requires all apps with access to G Suite data to undergo a verification and security assessment process. However, Google has taken an abnormally long time to process our request, and does not allow us to authorize new G Suite users while this process is ongoing.
For the time being, we are now required to use a third-party service provider to access G Suite data, for security and compliance purposes.
We have chosen to integrate with Cronofy during this process, to ensure all customers have continued access to create Meeting Room displays, regardless of Email provider.
Before connecting to Cronofy, you'll want to make sure your service user account is ready to go. Check out the Getting Started Guide for G Suite before you begin.
Before connecting to Cronfofy, each Resource Calendar should be shared with your Service User, so that it appears in your "My Calendars" list. – See: Sharing Resource Calendars (G Suite) with your service user
You can connect a G Suite calendar to Meeting Room 365 by following the steps below:
There is a wizard which can be accessed from the Meeting Room 365 Admin Portal, to provision a new Meeting Room display for G Suite.

Click the Red Plus in the bottom left corner of the admin portal, and select G Suite.
Next, you will be guided through the process of setting up a resource calendar (if you haven't already), sign into G Suite (with your Service User credentials), and finally given a Display Key, which you can use to set up your tablet display.
The second step is to connect your Service User (G Suite User) to Meeting Room 365. You can do so by selecting the Google Icon from the Cronofy Page (which lists sign on methods), and following the sign-in process.

Once you are returned to Meeting Room 365, you will see a list of connected calendar users (managed by Cronofy), and calendars. These calendars can be turned into Meeting Room displays, by selecting "Create Display".

Once a display is created, it will appear on your dashboard. You can also see your previously-created displays in this list.
At this point, your display should behave like any other Meeting Room 365 display, and all management features should remain identical.
We are working to streamline the display creation process in the future.
What is Cronofy?
Google now requires all apps with access to G Suite data to undergo a verification and security assessment process. However, Google has taken an abnormally long time to process our request, and does not allow us to authorize new G Suite users while this process is ongoing.
For the time being, we are now required to use a third-party service provider to access G Suite data, for security and compliance purposes.
We have chosen to integrate with Cronofy during this process, to ensure all customers have continued access to create Meeting Room displays, regardless of Email provider.
Setting up your G Suite Service User Account
Before connecting to Cronofy, you'll want to make sure your service user account is ready to go. Check out the Getting Started Guide for G Suite before you begin.
Before connecting to Cronfofy, each Resource Calendar should be shared with your Service User, so that it appears in your "My Calendars" list. – See: Sharing Resource Calendars (G Suite) with your service user
Connecting a Calendar
You can connect a G Suite calendar to Meeting Room 365 by following the steps below:
1. Select Create a New G Suite Display
There is a wizard which can be accessed from the Meeting Room 365 Admin Portal, to provision a new Meeting Room display for G Suite.

Click the Red Plus in the bottom left corner of the admin portal, and select G Suite.
Next, you will be guided through the process of setting up a resource calendar (if you haven't already), sign into G Suite (with your Service User credentials), and finally given a Display Key, which you can use to set up your tablet display.
2. Connect your Service User to Meeting Room 365
The second step is to connect your Service User (G Suite User) to Meeting Room 365. You can do so by selecting the Google Icon from the Cronofy Page (which lists sign on methods), and following the sign-in process.

3. Return to Meeting Room 365
Once you are returned to Meeting Room 365, you will see a list of connected calendar users (managed by Cronofy), and calendars. These calendars can be turned into Meeting Room displays, by selecting "Create Display".

Once a display is created, it will appear on your dashboard. You can also see your previously-created displays in this list.
At this point, your display should behave like any other Meeting Room 365 display, and all management features should remain identical.
We are working to streamline the display creation process in the future.
Updated on: 02/04/2024
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