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Adjust Auto-accept settings for Google Worksplace

In Google Workspace, your resource calendars should automatically reject meetings with conflicts and operate on a first-come, first-served basis (unless they were created before 2019).

If you need to adjust auto-accept settings for Google Workspace, or double check that it is enabled, take a look at the steps below to find your resource calendar settings.

The trick is, you have to navigate to a resource calendar page via your Google Calendar, and there is no list of resource calendars to enter this area of Google Workspace Admin without first adding the calendar to your Google Calendars page, and navigating to the settings page for one of your resource calendars.

Navigate to your Google Calendar Page

Navigate to and switch to your service user's account (if possible), using the upper right menu.

Next, select the extras menu for a resource calendar, click and select "Settings and Sharing". This will bring you to a page with calendar settings for all of your calendars.

If you have signed in as your Service User, you should have already added each of your calendars to your "My Calendars" list.

View and Adjust the setting for "Auto-accept Invitations"

You can also view the linked help article here:

Updated on: 03/06/2024

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